Are you a new hunter?
Hunter numbers are decreasing, but there is hope!
We have recently created a new website,, completely dedicated to the new hunter. There you can create an account and unlock mentors nationwide!
Also- check out the Identical Draw Podcast. There we have conversations with new hunters and many tips and tricks are shared.
Interested in hunting with us for the 2024 season?
Applications are open for hunting with us during the Fall 2024 Season!
Here are the qualifications-
To Enter: Send in a video of yourself talking about why we should select you. Talk about your previous hunting experience- if any, and anything else you would like to share!
Must not have hunted for more than a year.
Must be 18 years or older
This is not an “all-inclusive” trip. Hunters selected will be responsible for costs associated with the hunt. (Travel, food, stay. etc.)
Hunters must have hunters safety.
Head over to to enter, or email us at